The Pre-Holiday Guide To Getting A New Hairdo
It’s that time of the year when all is happy and radiant. Whether you are at home or travelling for the holiday season, there is a sense of joie de vivre. Your shopping bags are full, the home is lit up, and your personal style is all set of a makeover. Here’s a quick guide on how to go right with the last one and not let your new hairdo turn heads for the wrong reason.
Don’t Go All Out
Save your gambling tendencies for the Diwali card parties. Don’t change two things at one time – your style and your stylist. If you are keen to try a new stylist, go with a few references of what you have in mind. Make sure you communicate your personal style for them to recommend what will enhance your personality and not just your face.
Your Context Matters
Just because it looks good on your Instagram friend while she was holidaying in Paris, it’s not the best style you can get this season. Think whether it works for your personal style, face, hair texture, and most of all, the weather for
the next few weeks. Imagine managing fringes when you are snorkeling at a humid beach resort in India.
Plan Ahead
Colours and cuts take a good two to three washes to settle and look their best. So make sure you are not in a salon chair just a day or two before your holiday season is as its peak. This way, even if the results aren’t what you had in mind, you have enough time to recover and restyle.
Call 044 6651 3424 to book an appointment with Toni & Guy at Phoenix Market City, Chennai