3 Reasons Why Giving Away Your Old Wardrobe
Can Be Rewarding
It is tempting to hold on to your old wardrobe. After all, much of it comes with memories attached. And no two pieces are alike, even if you were to argue in favour of a new wardrobe. However, with festive cleaning ahead of us, here’s what you got to consider about parting ways with your some of your favourite pieces:
The Reward Of Detachment
A practice we often forget, detachment is what we need to evolve not only in terms of our wardrobe, but also spiritually. Giving away that favourite pair of jeans or a shirt which you have outgrown years ago can help see things in a different light. It can help you make peace with loss, inspire you to get out of your comfort zone or teach you that risks must be taken.
The Reward Of Inspiration
When we give, we also inspire others to do the same. What’s more, the giving cycle has many different forms – from garage sales to barters and plain giving to recycling. This means what when we give away, we inspire a series of actions, charity only being one of them. We inspire those around to rethink their needs, sparking a positive chain reaction.
The Reward Of Spaciousness
When we clear our space of the old, we also make room for a whole lot of spaciousness and clarity. Giving away an outgrown wardrobe lets us celebrate the new us; it allows space of realizing how our preferences have changed. From our buying choices to the way we think and organize, spaciousness allows for realization that can otherwise remain hidden given our
busy lives.